20160613 Domäne Frankenhausen  01

Floor/Ceiling insulation

As heat naturally rises, it will escape almost unobstructed through the ceiling if the rooms below are heated either rarely or not at all or if they lie directly under inadequately insulated flat roofs. Particularly ceilings in older buildings are either insufficiently insulated or have no insulation at all, especially the uppermost storey and the cellar ceiling. Precious heating energy flows practically unhindered into the unheated rooms producing high energy costs. By insulating the ceilings with cellulose insulation material, the heat stays where it belongs.

Floor insulation is used exclusively as a non-pressure-resistant insulation on the horizontal level (ceiling on the top storey, between joists in a wood-joist floor construction).

If the wood-joist floor construction is suitably accessible, the insulation product made of cellulose fibers is processed by machine and blown on as an open layer into the cavities. THERMOFLOC floor filling is particularly recommended for this insulation method.

If the wood-joist floor construction is not accessible, the cellulose insulation material is transported into the hollow spaces by means of specially equipped blowing machines. THERMOFLOC blow-in insulation has proved to be a very suitable product for this purpose.

Apart from being the ideal thermal insulation product, cellulose fibers, due to their nature, have also perfect sound absorbing and regulating properties, providing adequate protection from noise disturbance to ensure peace and tranquility as well as health benefits. Depending on the application, our cellulose insulation material makes sure that unpleasant noise does not penetrate from outside, sound transmission between rooms is reduced and reverberation in the rooms are kept to a minimum. Both in terms of airborne sound caused by loud music, for example, or impact sound.

Examples of use

Braced Ceiling, uppermost storey ceiling, possible to walk on top

1. Spruce wood cladding35 mm
2. Soft fibreboard19 or 24 mm
3. Tie beams/THERMOFLOC Fibre *140-300 mm *
4. THERMOFLOC Vapour barrier
5. Evenly spaced slats23 mm
6. Gypsum wallboards15 mm
* THERMOFLOC insulation thickness in mm = calculated U-value (W/m²K)
140 = 0.22
160 = 0.2
180 = 0.18
200 = 0.16
220 = 0.15
240 = 0.14
260 = 0.13
280 = 0.12
300 = 0.11

Storey Ceiling with subfloor on cushioning wood between living rooms

1. Strip flooring22 mm
2. Subfloor24 mm
3. Construction timber/THERMOFLOC Fibre *50-160 mm *
4. Solid ceiling180 mm
* THERMOFLOC insulation thickness in mm = calculated U-value (W/m²K)
50 = 0.48
60 = 0.43
70 = 0.38
80 = 0.35
90 = 0.32
100 = 0.29
120 = 0.25
140 = 0.22
160 = 0.2

Storey Ceiling, for apartment partition ceilings, timber floor

1. Timber floor21 mm
2. Wood fibre insulation board40 mm
3. Concrete paving stone50 mm
4. OSB/Plywood22 mm
5. Beams/THERMOFLOC Fibre, cavity filling *160-220 mm *
6. Spring rail30 mm
7. Gypsum wallboards12,5 mm
* THERMOFLOC insulation thickness in mm = calculated U-value (W/m²K)
60 = 0.32
80 = 0.27
100 = 0.24
120 = 0.21
140 = 0.19
160 = 0.17
180 = 0.16
200 = 0.15
220 = 0.13

Vaulted Ceiling

1. THERMOFLOC fibre *140-300 mm *
2. Natural stone250 mm
* THERMOFLOC insulation thickness in mm = calculated U-value (W/m²K)
140 = 0.23
160 = 0.2
180 = 0.18
200 = 0.17
220 = 0.15
240 = 0.14
260 = 0.13
280 = 0.12
300 = 0.12

Storey Ceiling, wooden beam ceiling with concrete screed

1. Screed50 mm
2. Impact sound insulation board20 mm
3. THERMOFLOC Pellets30-100 mm
4. OSB/Plywood22 mm
5. Beams/THERMOFLOC Fibre220 mm
6. OSB/Plywood22 mm
7. Lathing30 mm
8. Gypsum wallboard12,5 mm

Storey Ceiling, floating timber floor

1. Timber floor board20 mm
2. THERMOFLOC Pellets30-100 mm
3. OSB/Plywood30 mm
4. Beams/THERMOFLOC Fibre160 mm
5. Panelling25 mm

Storey Ceiling, wooden beam ceiling with dry screed

1. Timber floor board20 mm
2. Soft fibre N-F40 mm
3. Soft fibre cover panel8 mm
4. OSB/Plywood19 mm
5. Beams/THERMOFLOC Fibre *180-340 mm *
6. OSB/Plywood19 mm
7. Lathing30 mm
8. Gypsum wallboard15 mm
* THERMOFLOC insulation thickness in mm = calculated U-value (W/m²K)
180 = 0.23
200 = 0.22
220 = 0.2
240 = 0.19
260 = 0.18
280 = 0.17
300 = 0.16
320 = 0.16
340 = 0.18

Storey Ceiling with wooden beam ceiling

1. OSB/Plywood19 mm
2. Beams/THERMOFLOC Fibre *140-300 mm *
3. Waterproof layer0,1 mm
4. Lathing30 mm
5. Gypsum wallboard15 mm
* THERMOFLOC insulation thickness in mm = calculated U-value (W/m²K)
140 = 0.38
160 = 0.35
180 = 0.31
200 = 0.29
220 = 0.27
240 = 0.25
260 = 0.23
280 = 0.22
300 = 1

Storey Ceiling with solid cellar ceiling

1. Timber floor board20 mm
2. Lathing/THERMOFLOC Pellets *60-120 mm *
3. Reinforced concrete ceiling160 mm
4. Ceiling plaster10 mm
* THERMOFLOC insulation thickness in mm = calculated U-value (W/m²K)
60 = 0.7
80 = 0.58
100 = 0.5
120 = 0.44
140 = 0.39
160 = 0.35
180 = 0.32
200 = 0.29
220 = 0.27

Further areas of application

THERMOFLOC quality certificates


Sales partner – United States of America

Peter Seppele Gesellschaft m.b.H.


Bahnhofstraße 79
9710 Feistritz/Drau, Austria

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