THERMOFLOC proof of quality

The Naturplus® independent expert panel rigorously evaluated the environmental, health and technical properties of THERMOFLOC insulation prior to certification. Only sustainable products with a high renewable raw material content can be certified since it has been shown that these materials have a positive effect on the indoor climate. The strict limits on harmful gas emissions mean using THERMOFLOC helps prevent the emission of harmful gas from insulation within the building fabric as well as minimising the consumption of fossil energy sources. What’s more, these strict limits ensure that no adverse effects on health come from THERMOFLOC. The Natureplus® mark also backs up the durability and long service life of the insulation.
Environmental Product Declaration (EPD)
Thermofloc cellulose insulation hold and independent peer reviewed environmental product declaration (EPD) valid from 14.12.2015 and issued by the Institut für Bauen und Umwelt e.V. An EPD is a type III environmental declaration that provides environment-related information from the lifecycle of a product making comparisons between products of the same type possible. An EPD is based on independently verified data from lifecycle assessments, lifecycle inventories or information datasets. The Thermofloc cellulose insulation EPD conforms to the ISO 14040 and EN 15804 series of standards. Among other things, EPDs can be used to provide data for calculating lifecycle assessments and/or embodied energy and impacts of buildings. This way, the enviromnenatl impacts of different variations of the same building can be compared even at the planning stage.

Look for our FSC®-certified products. The Forest Stewardship Council® (FSC®) is a global, not-for-profit organization dedicated to the promotion of responsible forest management worldwide. FSC defines standards based on agreed principles for responsible forest stewardship that are supported by environmental, social, and economic stakeholders. The FSC® label on our product THERMOFLOC F ensures responsible use of the world’s forest resources. The Chain of Custody (CoC) certification of an FSC® recycled product ensures that the product complies with the standards of the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC®) along the entire supply chain. The FSC® recycled label on a product signals to consumers that they are buying a sustainable product that is made from 100% recycled material and has been controlled throughout the supply chain. This promotes the responsible use of natural resources and contributes to the circular economy.