THERMOFLOC proof of quality
Prieš sertifikavimą „Naturplus®“ nepriklausomų ekspertų grupė griežtai įvertino THERMOFLOC izoliacijos aplinkosaugos, sveikatos ir technines savybes. Sertifikatą gali gauti tik tvarūs produktai, kurių sudėtyje yra daug atsinaujinančių žaliavų, nes buvo įrodyta, kad šios medžiagos teigiamai veikia patalpų klimatą. Griežti kenksmingų dujų išmetimo apribojimai reiškia, kad THERMOFLOC naudojimas padeda išvengti kenksmingų dujų išmetimo iš izoliacijos pastato viduje, taip pat sumažina iškastinių energijos šaltinių suvartojimą. Be to, šie griežti apribojimai užtikrina, kad THERMOFLOC nepadarys neigiamo poveikio sveikatai. Natureplus® ženklas taip pat patvirtina izoliacijos patvarumą ir ilgą tarnavimo laiką.
Aplinkosauginio produkto deklaracija (EPD)
Thermofloc cellulose insulation hold and independent peer reviewed environmental product declaration (EPD) valid from 14.12.2015 and issued by the Institut für Bauen und Umwelt e.V. An EPD is a type III environmental declaration that provides environment-related information from the lifecycle of a product making comparisons between products of the same type possible. An EPD is based on independently verified data from lifecycle assessments, lifecycle inventories or information datasets. The Thermofloc cellulose insulation EPD conforms to the ISO 14040 and EN 15804 series of standards. Among other things, EPDs can be used to provide data for calculating lifecycle assessments and/or embodied energy and impacts of buildings. This way, the enviromnenatl impacts of different variations of the same building can be compared even at the planning stage.
Sustainable building quality seal
The "Quality Seal for Sustainable Buildings" is a German seal of quality awarded to buildings by the Federal Ministry of Housing, Urban Development and Building, which promotes a standardised understanding of sustainability and at the same time creates a legally secure basis for the award of subsidies. The prerequisite for the award of the QNG is certification with a registered assessment system for sustainable construction and the fulfilment of special requirements in the public interest. THERMOFLOC fulfils these requirements through its natureplus and EPD certification and the fact that boron compounds < 0.1% are used in its cellulose insulation material.